Now THAT"S how to Honor a Hero

This is an old story, but it's new to me, and since I don't recall seeing it here before, I'm going to go ahead and assume it'll be new to you too.

If you recall the London Bridge knife attack terrorists of a few years ago, you probably remember Roy Larner.  He's the fellow who famously stood up, walked toward the attackers when they broke into the restaurant, and yelled at them to draw attention away from the other patrons, and then engaged them, deterring them but sustaining several wounds in the process.

Well, when Frequency Beer Works heard this story, they thought he deserved to be honored, and so they didn't just offer to buy him a beer (or several), but created a brew just to honor his actions that day. Here's the label:

I think they did a nice job with the graphics- particularly the nicked up St. George's Cross.

So kudos to Frequency Beer Works for doing this.  It was a great idea.


  1. Ymarsakar8:44 PM

    London Bridge is falling down, falling down ...

  2. Ymarsakar8:45 PM

    Roy Larner, who was cut in head, chest and hands, describes how he charged into terrorists in restaurant

    Amazing celestial chart luck and fate.

    He obviously didn't know the forearm deflection techniques of bare handed blade defenses.

  3. Ymarsakar8:53 PM

    This was obviously a fun mortal deathmatch.

    We all missed it, it seems.

    The number of situations where we can legally kill humans is quite limited to impossible. Terrorist attacks is one of those rarities, although one can just as easily be shot and terminated by the police in a case of Blue on Blue, or mistaken identity.

    Really bad case of situational awareness issues. Against multiple enemies, one must first conduct tactical position, so that your flanks and rear are well protected. Or at least, in your sight vision at times.

    Charging a single foe and not taking their heads off with a single lethal strike to the neck, is... not so tactically sound for the unarmed police batoner. It is inefficient, and with multiple enemies, inefficiencies creates opportunities to dying.

  4. "The Lion of London Bridge," as he is sometimes called, has a higher sound; but how fitting to use his war-cry.

  5. Ymarsakar6:19 PM

    For those interested or allowed by their State to own blades, go for that level of maker. A very modern steel even if sold in a Japanese traditional package.

    Machetes and the kind of "steel" used by Islamic machete and long knife users aren't particularly very good. They are comparable to the kind of "steel" bought in the US thrift shops, that chop and nick while cutting soft wood a few times.

    Poor hardening, or even no hardening. Improper tempering. Too hard or too brittle or not hard enough to hold an edge. As well as the infamous "flying helicopter" 440 stainless steel variants.

    Those kind of steels can be easily cut in half by even an amateur wielding a superior blade.

    Machetes aren't particularly long enough. They are much like an ancient Roman spatha. Getting head in the head by a proper steel blade will split your head in two, even if the blade isn't caught in the bone. Getting hit in the head by an Islamic jihadi blade, you just get a bump on your brow and lose the eye nerve temporarily due to impact shutting down internal neural signal strength.

    There was a reason Vikings had such faith in the magic steel of Ulfbert. Superior weapons can be pretty magical in the hands of competent warriors.

    A Spatha was used for stabbing. Most Islamic fighters will use it to stab too. This is why accurate cutting is not a technique I favor for initial combat effectiveness. A blade that can't cut wielded by a person that doesn't know how to cut but just bash, is far less effective than amateur level stabbings.

    The advantage is that they don't particularly know where to stab. Thus a cut across an artery, as wielded by Grim, is high damage. But a stab to the same area is the same damage if not worse, especially for those with lower strength and skill. "Cuts" can be annoying due to blood loss, but as we can see with the news character in the fight, the cuts didn't actually terminate their ability to fight. Judging by the wounds on the hand/arms, he was trying to grab and hold unto the blade using his fingers. That would simply result in you losing a finger against a sword wielder that has a moderately sharp close quarters battle cutting technique.

    When wielding daggers and other shorter blades, the stabbings are also more effective. Which is another reason why I don't favor people use cuts with a bowie knife or blade, if they have a shot at a juicy organ or soft spot on the target. A deep penetration wound with an appropriate twist and exit, will cause far more internal bleeding and hemorrhage than an external cut, even if that cut was heavy and accurate.

  6. Ymarsakar6:25 PM

    When sneak attacking a person's legs, the appropriate spot to cut are about 3. The hamstrings behind the thigh. The back of the knee. And the achilles tendon. All 3 of which can be easily stabbed for those that don't know how to cut deeply enough to cripple a foe.

    In such circumstances, by the time the person looks down and sees you sawing at his leg, he would already be "down" instead of merely having a leg that "drags".

    The efficiency of one stab is more accurate if you step on the person's foot to immobilize it, thus rendering his leg unable to dodge, and putting 50-100% of your body weight on the stab and just punch it straight through his leg. If the targeting is accurate, then twist 360 degrees up, right, down, left, and pry open the wound, even if you have to "fall" on your handle or blade.

    Few, if anyone warriors, can get back up from that level of damage. Only the avatars of war that could reconstitute flesh and use their light body to compensate for the loss of a limb.

    As is true of criminals and jihadis, they spend some time studying anatomy, although the Islamic jihad mentality does not truly serve that type of warrior thinking. The criminals are in fact more effective at anatomical targeting due to their cleverness or willingness to survive.

  7. Having a beer created to honor me sounds like a top honor.

  8. Anyone think there would be a market for a brewer that honored heroes with all it's brews?

    If so, I figure they'd have to come up with some big names for their regular steady offerings, and then they could do guys like this with seasonal offerings.


  9. LCPL Ian Malone.

  10. If we expand to whisky distilleries, Ulysses S Grant.

  11. ymarsakar8:03 PM

    I know that the world is on the verge of transformation when Atlanta produces a Sherman drink.
