Honesty Abroad

It's interesting to me what Democratic establishment figures like Obama and Clinton say about immigration when they go to Europe.
Obama made the comments during a two-hour town hall meeting in Berlin, which hundreds of young leaders from across Europe attended.

"Immigration issues are driving a lot of the political turmoil here in Europe and in my own country," Obama said in a shared video of the talk.

Urging those in the crowd to view those who expressed opposition to immigration with empathy, Obama said: "We can't label everyone who is disturbed by migration as racist.

"If you're going to have a coherent, cohesive society, then everybody has to have some agreed-upon rules. And there are going to have to be some accommodations that everybody makes. And that includes the people who are newcomers. The question is, are those fair?" Obama said.

"Should we want to encourage newcomers to learn the language of the country that they're moving to? Of course," he continued. "Does that mean that they can never use their own language? No, of course it doesn't mean that, but it's not racist to say, 'Ah, if you're going to be here then you should learn the language of the country that you just arrived at because we need to have some sort of common language in which all of us can work, and learn and understand each other."
Ms. Clinton said something similar a while back.
“I think Europe needs to get a handle on migration because that is what lit the flame,” Clinton said, speaking as part of a series of interviews with senior centrist political figures about the rise of populists, particularly on the right, in Europe and the Americas.

“I admire the very generous and compassionate approaches that were taken particularly by leaders like Angela Merkel, but I think it is fair to say Europe has done its part, and must send a very clear message – ‘we are not going to be able to continue provide refuge and support’ – because if we don’t deal with the migration issue it will continue to roil the body politic.”
Yet somehow when they talk here, even the simple enforcement of existing law is nothing but racist and evil.


  1. "Yet somehow when they talk here, even the simple enforcement of existing law is nothing but racist and evil."

    Because they are?????

  2. They? If you mean the laws, probably not; the laws haven’t changed in about 15 years, after 9/11 and in response to it, and most of them are older than that. They’re not likely to be related to any current passion.

    Or maybe “they” means Clinton and/or Obama? Certainly race is always on their minds, since it is always on their lips.

  3. Ymarsakar7:06 PM


    I just watched this for the first time. Apparently this is what humanity was up to while I was not paying attention.
