You can't fire me!

It's a cry you hear from union workers, civil servants, and people with ironclad employment contracts.  Usually not so much from restaurant workers.  New York is out there on the cutting edge, considering laws to prevent restaurant operators from firing a worker when they conclude they can't stay in business if they have to pay him the new minimum wage.  Will New York force the restaurants out of business?  Will we then learn that the market has failed, so the government has to step in and supply this essential service?  At least that way the worker can get civil service protection.  Of course, the restaurants may be about as good as the DMV and siphon off a lot of New York tax dollars, which will spur Cuomo to complain even more bitterly that Florida is stealing his citizens.


  1. raven9:15 PM

    Like all socialist utopia's, the next step will be preventing people from leaving.

  2. Leftist ideas often remind me of the "penny in the fusebox" problem. (When fuses were used for the functions now performed mostly by circuit breakers, there were always idiots who would deal with the problem of a blown fuse by putting a penny in the fusebox. Keeps the lights on or the toaster toasting, but maybe at the price of burning down your house.

    With this proposal, you solve the immediate problem--someone loses his job--at the price of likely destroying the business, so that *everybody* working there loses their jobs.

    I first thought of the penny in the fusebox analogy when reading about a school where troublemakers could not be suspended, expelled, or otherwise disciplined--so eventually, behavior got so bad that the police had to be called to take them away.

  3. That's not the end, either. Eventually the police start charging the students who fight back when bullied by the problem students, in the hope of preventing such resistance.

  4. Wait a minute. When a friend and I, in high school, were putting together an MHD generator at my house, we had to put a penny in the fuse box; otherwise, we kept blowing fuses.

    As to preventing people from leaving the New York socialist utopia, that's not so outlandish. Recall Obama's efforts to jack the tax bill on companies moving their headquarters overseas through strategic mergers in order to avoid Obama's high corporate taxes. You bet Cuomo will be trying to apply an exit tax on companies and persons leaving the State.

    Eric Hines

  5. You need walls to keep people from leaving a socialist paradise, or entering a capitalist hellhole.

  6. Ymarsakar11:41 AM

    Like all socialist utopia's, the next step will be preventing people from leaving.

    Pretty sure they are already banning airline flights. Even if it is just a no flight list.

    Eventually the police start charging the students who fight back when bullied by the problem students, in the hope of preventing such resistance.

    Pretty sure they already did that too.
