MAGA Hat Threatens Armed Man

It's perfectly understandable self-defense given such a provocation.
Police in Bowling Green, Kentucky, say James Phillips was arrested after witnesses said he pulled a gun inside a Sam’s Club outlet because the victim was wearing a red “Make America Great Again” hat.... Police reported that store surveillance video substantiates Phillips’ story and that he never laid a hand on the Trump-hating assailant.

Officials said that when he was arrested, Phillips had a .40 caliber Glock handgun with a bullet in the chamber sitting in his pocket . He also had two extra loaded magazines on his person.
I have seen people wearing MAGA hats on rare occasion around here, but they're not common. I suspect the sense that you might get shot for wearing one -- or beaten, or robbed, or become the subject of a nationwide Three Minutes' Hate -- is one reason they are not all that popular even in the rural South.


  1. Yeah, it's a shame that those conservatives are so dangerous that decent people have to arm themselves against them.

  2. I disagree with your bearing arms, but I'll defend to the death your right to shoot an unarmed stranger with inimical political views who posed no imminent physical threat to you or anyone else.

  3. Ymarsakar3:52 PM

    See, this is how MK Ultra and Monarch used triggers to get disposable assassins and sleeper cells in place.

    Just set the trigger up and the human livestock becomes a conditioned robot.

    They don't tell the civilians or military peeps in bootcamp much of anything about how combat and psychological conditioning works because once this knowledge is mastered, a human can put triggers and counter triggers and firewalls inside their own head which resists all external domination.

    Some even have figured this out enough to make use of it without telling anyone. Easy to guess who.

    It is a fallacious logic that Americans can win the civil war against X or Y, due to guns. Guns only change the logistical and military impact of an army vs another army, guerilla or COIN or whatever. But it does not truly possess center of gravity impact. Controlling the mind: mind control does however, control the center.

  4. Ymarsakar3:58 PM

    I have seen people wearing MAGA hats on rare occasion around here, but they're not common. I suspect the sense that you might get shot for wearing one -- or beaten, or robbed, or become the subject of a nationwide Three Minutes' Hate -- is one reason they are not all that popular even in the rural South.

    Kind of stupid to be wearing a shoot me sign on your front and back.

    If people want to get into a shooting war, at least find the target and shoot first via first strike ambush principles. Get the most damage in.

    This is also why people knew about cw2 in 2007, but those like me were just not stupid enough to directly talk about it online. We just gave hints because anyone that could figure it out would figure it out. ANd if they cannot figure it out, well they don't need to know, especially if it risks the sources.

    Getting red flagged in 2007-2012 was pretty high risk, especially with the iRS sniffing for easy targets. After 2014 however... things changed. A bunch of Alt Right cannon fodder decided to take to the streets. Easy to see where the weapons will hit first then.

    One of the weird perks of understanding guerilla warfare, psychological warfare, counter guerilla warfare, and espionage/undercover practices/tradecraft is that after all that effort and time put in, stuff doesn't happen. And that is perhaps the perk or unintentional side benefit. For those that went into the craft thinking they could kick ass at bars, which of course is often a likely motivation for the young, it would turn out for the best if what they learned was how to avoid all that. But unfortunately, because we have avoided almost all casualty mass death type situations due to certain forseen and unforeseen events, others perceive the ability and knowledge as theoretical or keyboard warrioring. Well, if it could be truly discerned, the target list priority would have already discerned and it and the hit would have effectively eliminated them.

    Many people got snuffed out in the decades since, my peers and predecessors, mostly because they just had too large a mouth and just went in public doing all kinds of disclosure stuff. They didn't have my sources that would have told them to be quiet.

  5. That's an incredibly confusing article to read. The victim and the perpetrator keep changing places. Even in the section you included. " surveillance video substantiates Phillips' story that he never laid a hand on the Trump-hating assailant." Phillips was the assailant! The article does it several more times.

    I guess that's besides the point, but geez Louise, Breitbart. Don't you have editors?

  6. Editors are in short supply these days. I hear they're all learning to code.
