Turning a Corner?

A few weeks ago we discussed a Houston police raid in which the police killed two fellow citizens, with five police officers shot. The description of the event suggested, even then, that the police had shot each other while killing the citizens. Now, it turns out, the alleged 'drug buy informant' lied, the investigating officer lied, and there was no reason to run the raid at all.

The police seem to be responding to this better than previous suspect events. First, they've declared an end to no-knock raids.

Second, they're preparing charges against 'one or more officers.'

Good. Discipline is the soul of the army, and while police are not properly an army, they're increasingly trained and acting as if they were.


  1. Discipline is the soul of the army, and while police are not properly an army....

    Even though they're not an army, they're in the business of enforcing the law, often through coercion, often in that coercion with overt violence. Discipline is the soul of any force that must, in the end, rely on violence or its threat to do the job it was created to do.

    Discipline, indeed, is the soul of any enterprise wanting to be successful, even if discipline does take differing forms in differing venues.

    Eric Hines

  2. Meantime, where will the dead (and innocent) victims go to get their lives back?

  3. Ymarsakar9:07 AM

    The police seem to be responding to this better than previous suspect events. First, they've declared an end to no-knock raids.

    That bribe money and vice blackmail material must have ran out.

    The description of the event suggested, even then, that the police had shot each other while killing the citizens.

    But if they had shot all the civilians ala Ruby Ridge or indirectly killed them ala Waco 1 or directly sniped them ala Waco 2, then it would be ok. These operations are designed to keep the Blue squad in line by having them kill the sheep for the shepherd. This fails to work when the sheepdogs accidentally kill each other. Then there's a problem.

  4. Ymarsakar9:08 AM

    Meantime, where will the dead (and innocent) victims go to get their lives back?

    The peons just feel lucky that they aren't taxed more for these shenanigans.

    As for life, humans do not rule over Death or Life. That is the power domain of the gods.

    People expect the government to do something about life and death because they have replaced the gods or the Creator, with G: Government.

  5. In Florida, the police decided to raid the mayor's house with a SWAT team in the early morning. He opened fire. Fortunately, no one was hurt -- but it's the mayor. The charge is 'practicing medicine without a license.' You couldn't just pick him up when he came into city hall for work?

  6. Ymarsakar8:54 AM

    Many of these SWAT teams don't do their own intel so they would have no idea what their targets were. That is intentional. When the Deep State require absolute obedience when their time to move comes, they don't want the police questioning authority or their orders. Not all will Obey of course, but enough will, just as on 9/11.

    The Deep State has had a lot of shenanigans in US history. Most of it is still unknown to the wide public, including military and operatives here.

    If they actually wanted successful SWAT raids, they would fund and train SWAT intel advisers and agents linked to those squads. Just as the FBI once did. Just as anti guerilla forces did in Iraq. Intel is not easily actionable if it takes 5 different relays for it to get anywhere. Even one relay could be just enough to fudge the data enough for somebody to die based on its inaccuracy.
