The Devil Hates a Sleeping Bag

Willie Nelson this time.

I always think of The Quiet Man when sleeping bags come up.


  1. Never thought much about it before, but I have a lot of memories good and bad associated with sleeping bags. Quiet first light in the Sierra's. Laying awake on a river bar on the North slope wondering if the river was coming up. All sorts of hobo camps, fishing camps and shaking like a wet dog from the swine flu and the difficulty of defense when wrapped up like a mummy. I once stumbled out of a car in northern Arizona at 2am and laid out my bag in the desert. Awoke about two yards from the edge of the Canyon with the entire chasm filled with fog lit by a red-gold glow.One of the most wonderful sights I ever saw, and very glad I had not rolled over in my sleep.

  2. Likewise. Many of my best memories involve sleeping bags.

  3. I agree as well, and I too think of The Quiet Man when sleeping bags are mentioned.

  4. I have a funny one- when I was kid, several of my cousins slept over. Being one of the youngest, I had to give up my bed to an elder relative, and sleep in a bag in the rumpus room, along with some of my cousins. I and my younger cousin woke up, confused, as we were now in the living room under the dining room table, in our bags. The older cousins had pranked us, and we all had a good laugh.

    Then there's the time my son and I came back to our tent to find a fox had gotten in and marked his bag! Good times.
