"Take Care Of" Like a Hitman

Rather than say anything about this image, I'm just going to let it sit there a while for quiet reflection.


  1. The potential to cause cognitive dissonance is high with this one.
    Reference Sangers desire to cull the black population in simple terms.

  2. I would think that would be everyone's first thought -- certainly it was mine.

  3. Yeah, #KKK came immediately to mind.

  4. "Self-care," in the way that vigilante action is self-defense. Only this time the home invader is an infant.

  5. Ymarsakar11:52 AM

    It is mostly about money. Most hitmen do it for the money, although some do it cause they like killing or are specialized for it.

    Abortion exists now as before in the days of Cainanites, is because it is profitable. People in humanity that thinks themselves civilized and supreme but are instead trash, begin to see the benefits of abortion: totalitarian control.

    If fetus are not human, why does Demoncrats and Planned Profit sell them and harvest the orgains for a profit to be used by humans.

    Humans are worse than trash. At least trash didn't free will itself as trash.

    Meanwhile while this was going on, I remember certain people being more worried about Democrats winning elections or George Soros not getting his perfect First Amendment rights, while the IRS went around nuking American citizens. But of course. there are no "victims". First step of a totalitarian authority cleanse is to get rid of the characters that are not rehabilitated. Take the photographs and slice them out.
