Is anyone home?

Again from Maggie's Farm, this rather wonderful Jordan Petersen clip that speaks to the thing that's been occupying me lately:  when we speak to someone, are we getting through to a person?

I'll repeat here a comment I just left there: Someone recently quoted a similar passage from Dietrich Bonhoeffer--was it here? I forget--about how essentially stupid we become when we surrender our judgment to an ideology. He was talking, of course, about how Nazis got ordinary people to behave so horribly. The ideology no longer is a way to order our thoughts but instead something that makes us unthinking tools, one-note Charlies spouting empty superficial trash. And there tends to be someone standing nearby who's more than happy to use us as tools for a horrible purpose, while our brains are turned off and our souls numbed. Not by accident will it be a horrible purpose, because people with good purposes aren't as drawn to using other people as tools, rather than fighting with them as free brothers. And that's the difference between God and the Devil. Well, obviously, a difference.

Jordan Peterson is a rare exponent of moral heroism.



  1. 'twas indeed here, I posted the Bonhoeffer excerpt here a little while back. Posted it previously at Chicago Boyz, where there is a good comment thread.

  2. "Charlies?" That's terribly sexist of you. I will work myself into a lather over this.

  3. Did you just assume the gender of my Charlie? I will counter-report you.

  4. Neither of you are inclusive of me.

    My dudgeon is high.

    Eric Hines

  5. Ymarsakar11:55 AM

    Both Leftists and non Leftists agree on one thing. Theory of Gravity, shape of the Earth, the sky is blue, and something else.

    Are Leftists gonna be right on this one? Heh
