The Nazis and FOX News

I can understand Democratic concerns that they don't control as much of Congress as they'd like, or that the Supreme Court may have slipped out of their grasp, or that the Presidency is a very powerful weapon they'd prefer to wield than to have wielded against their interests. You'd think they'd be satisfied with the media, though. Over ninety percent of journalism directed at Trump, which is a shocking amount of the total journalism being constructed today, is negative in its treatment of the President and his interests. They control every major news agency but one.

However, the existence of that one is seen as a great and terrible problem.
Another parallel exists between the Nazis' skillful use of propaganda and state-sponsored media and Trump and the Republican Party's relationship with Fox News.

Fox News is a privatized ministry of propaganda. Under the Nazis, Joseph Goebbels was a key adviser to Hitler. They conversed a great deal. In a sense, Sean Hannity and Donald Trump have that same relationship. It is symbiotic because it works both ways, where Fox News is not just Trump's personal news outlet and propaganda arm but Trump also gets his inspiration from watching Fox News. It is a very reciprocal relationship.
I don't watch television, so I never see broadcast news of any sort unless it's a clip put online for some reason. This is a pretty intense criticism, though, which I have trouble imagining is well-grounded.


  1. Many of Fox News' commentariat--guys like Hannity, for instance--are as shrill and hysterical as anyone in the Left's NLMSM, and news outlet critiquers like Howard Kurtz are as biased toward the Left as many of the critiquers of the Left, like Joe Scarborough, Andrew Cuomo's baby brother, Christiane Amanpour, et al.. But news analysis shows like Shannon Bream's and Bret Baier's are quite straightforward and balanced.

    Fox News' news coverage likewise is balanced and objective, lacking most (not all; they're human, too) of the Left's censorship and distortion. The outlet that published Brown's piece at the link in OP is an example of the distortion, and Browning is an example of what's wrong with the history that's being inculcated today.

    The NLMSM's hatred of Fox News was evident from the jump as they ridiculed Fox's fair, balanced, and unafraid catch phrase.

    Fox News' regular and frequent contributors include such denizens of the Left as Juan Williams, Doug Schoen, Lanny Davis, Richard Fowler, Leslie Marshall, and on and on. They even have Philippe Reines on frequently. You don't see similar balance in the NLMSM outlets.

    Eric Hines

  2. Agree with Mr. Hines emphatically.
    I think Jennifer Griffin and especially Catherine Herridge are two of the best reporters out there.

    Ironically, the most slanted reporter on the channel, in my opinion, is Shep Smith, and he's pretty strongly slanted against Trump.

    I'd be willing to bet a few dollars that most of the people criticizing Fox news never watch it.

  3. As in this case, anti-Fox critics almost always point to Fox's fairly clearly labeled commentary shows vs the news/analysis features such as Chris Wallace's Sunday AM show, while assuming that everything coming from say CNN or MSNBC is all straight news just because Wolf Blitzer or Anderson Cooper aren't actively labeled as commentary.
