Random Philosophy Links

Psychology research by philosophers is robust and replicates better than other areas of psychology

I didn't know there was a field called "experimental philosophy."

Philosophers Name the Best Philosophy Books

The War on Reason - A very interesting article by psychologist Paul Bloom that argues for a place for free will against the assault by sociology and psychology. It is long and wide-ranging and I found it thought-provoking. Plus, brief mentions of Aristotle.

The Theory of Mind Myth - a challenge to the idea that we can understand another person's mind

Update: Does reading give us access to other people's minds?

1 comment:

  1. I'm not surprised to hear that philosophers who try their hand at psychology come to firmer results. Philosophy is all about checking the foundations of knowledge to be sure that they are secure. That's always been the weakness of psychology; the failure to replicate is only an echo of the failure of the foundational theories of psychology to be testable at all. "Every man has an Oedipal Complex." "Not this one guy I knew. He showed no signs of it." "Well, that means he was projecting."

    Jung's theories, likewise, were tremendously influential -- and totally impossible to test.

    Philosophers all spend at least a little time with Socrates, knocking on the doors of every expert and asking them to convince him that they really know what they claim to know. And failing, every one of the experts in anything more than shoemaking. It's humbling in the best possible way.
