What's Fonzie Like?

UPDATE: Original text deleted. This looks to be a death hoax, which is a strange form of internet behavior I’ll never understand. The article claims he had no children, but he has 3 according to Wikipedia. People should cut this sort of thing out.


  1. I don't get it.
    He's actually a really nice guy, and willing to debate civilly with those who disagree with him- has had multiple appearances on the Hugh Hewitt radio show and they were great segments.

  2. You don't get what?

  3. I'm confused too, not getting the humor. I read that he campaigned for Obama, but otherwise seems to keep his politics low-key.

  4. Just might want to check this. I'm reading elsewhere that this is an internet hoax death.

  5. You know, I don’t get why people do that. But you could be right. I’ll look into it.
