I Guess There's Some Football Going On

...and thank God for normal America.

I guess we aren't quite done yet.


  1. Gringo2:26 PM

    Interesting that the tune comes from the chorus of the Battle Hymn of the Republic. One year I attended a family reunion of some in-laws, on the banks of the Connecticut River in New Hampshire. The family reunion had been going on so long that there was a family reunion song. The northern roots of the family were evident from the melody chosen for the family reunion song- Marching Through Georgia. With both sides of the Civil War represented in my family tree, I am perhaps more aware of such nuances than many.

  2. Interesting that the tune comes from the chorus of the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

    It's cultural appropriation.

    Marching Through Georgia. With both sides of the Civil War represented in my family tree...

    Mine too. I had two family members with Sherman's army when they were marching through Georgia. But that song gets culturally appropriated too; it's played in that great celebration of Southern culture, "Smokey and the Bandit," while they drive the rig full of bootleg beer through the Atlanta raceway.

  3. Do they play football in college?

    Eric Hines

  4. Anonymous4:56 PM

    No, Eric. A few football teams have colleges attached, in order to ensure full stadii. ;) Academics are an accidental after thought. *ducks flying textbooks*

    Go Hornfrogs!


  5. A few football teams have colleges attached...

    Now that's telling it like it is!

  6. Gringo6:20 PM

    A few football teams have colleges attached...

    Perhaps the most famous quote on that issue came from George Lynn Cross, President of the University of Oklahoma, a.k.a. OU, from 1943 to 1968.

    Cross was known for his public speaking ability and quick wit. His most famous quote came at a budget meeting with state legislators. After a long presentation and 45 minute justification of the OU budget, a legislator asked him why the university needed more money. A frustrated Cross replied, "I would like to build a University of which the football team could be proud."

    Coincidentally,I worked several years for an entrepreneur whose father had played on one of those undefeated Bud Wilkinson OU teams in the 1950s. His father was also an entrepreneur. Judging by the son, his jock father did not fit the "dumb jock" stereotype at all.

    The problem nowadays is that big time sports programs allow little time for their athletes to do what they are ostensibly in college to do- study. Being an athlete in a big time program is somewhere between a part-time to a full time job.
