Something else that might work.

Or maybe not.  Ian Millhiser is just spitballing here:
Tell me again why we shouldn't confront Republicans where they eat, where they sleep, and where they work until they stop being complicit in the destruction of our democracy.
I'll bet all of you can come up with the answer that eludes him.


  1. Further evidence that the left has always been the group that is aggressively violent, while the right plays a warning defense.

  2. Eric Blair5:33 PM

    that guy is just egging on others to do what he'd never do, because he's a coward.

  3. That is part of it, to incite others to violence and clucking "what can you expect, the Republicans treat them so badly."

  4. This is why Stand Your Ground laws are passed in conservative states. It is so ordinary people can’t be forced to retreat out of the public space while on lawful business. You might get away with mob pressure in DC or Maryland, but I wouldn’t try it in Virginia.

  5. raven1:16 PM

    Only a passing familiarity with the TV show, but I will take, "because somebody will shoot your ass", for 1000.

  6. "Well, Ian, how much more like the Sturmabteilung do you want to be?"
