Mountain Heritage Day

Today was the 44th Mountain Heritage Day at Western Carolina University. There were wagon trains led by Belgians or mules, tractors, three music stages featuring traditional music, and a full scale arts and crafts festival. Some of the latter included custom iron and knives, but also beading and woodworking. If you're ever in that part of the world for a future one, consider stopping by.

One of the events was shape note singing.

Bluegrass was a favorite.

Clogging, which was performed as well as other forms of traditional mountain dancing.

It was a welcome escape. Crazy is on the internet; ride out into America, and it's still sane and nice.


  1. raven1:14 PM

    Somewhat related to mountain life- a video on making moonshine- A guy named "Popcorn Sutton".
    Look for "The last run of likker I'll ever make". And check the guys bio- an engaging and quirky fellow was he- I particularly liked the part about the four things one did not mess with- his wife, his model T, his business, and his cats.
    In the end, he smoked up some CO2 from his car rather than go to prison.
    Revenuers- one would need a fine sifter to get a nugget from that bunch.

    I still have a bunch of Foxfire books around here. It was good the kids went and interviewed some of the old folks while they were still around to tell about the old times.

  2. Foxfire has a museum and facility right near Clayton, GA, on US 441. It’s a good motorcycle road. Clayton features good food and a bar called the Universal Joint. US 76 crosses 441 there, and that’s a great road too.
