This would be nice

Insulin dependence is no picnic.  We may be on the path to an oral insulin-delivery system that solves at least two huge problems:  the resistance to multiple daily injections and injectable insulin's critically short shelf-life even when refrigeration is available.


  1. Getting rid of the high carb, high sugar, low fat diet foisted on an unsuspecting people by the gov would more to reduce diabetes than anything else. That whole food pyramid chart we learned at school was inverted. IIRC, the obesity increase and diabetes increase directly track- I have numerous friends who report a dramatic reduction in their A1-C levels after going on a low carb diet-

    IIRC, the origin of that "food pyramid" was ONE researcher who studied ONE population group of Japanese fishermen to reach his conclusions, then managed to lever it through the gov. as a general recommendation.

    The best thing we could do for health is follow grandma's advice- "everything in moderation".

  2. Reducing grains--grass seed--in general (not just gluten) would do wonders, too. I've seen an enormous improvement in my wife's digestive tract health. Her problem, too, was low-grade, she didn't realize she had a problem until she cut out the grains. We discovered that by accident when, looking to reduce our own overweightness, we tried the Atkins diet. That goes too far, but the impact on her digestive tract, energy level, overall health was marked.

    More directly on the insulin bit, it also turns out that most of the artificial sweeteners on the market trigger much the same insulin response as does regular sugar.

    Eric Hines

  3. Ymarsakar4:10 PM

    Raven: sounds lke you been doing research.

    High fructose corn syrup.

    Also veggies and fruits does not matter, because the soil has been depleted by the necessary minerals and trace elements. Vegetables cannot produce nutrition when the soil has no nutrition. It has nutrition for plant growth of course and water, but there's nothing in there. It's just ballooned up with water.

    It can't be gotten from supplements usually because the body doesn't like absorbing dead stone and minerals. It has to be ideally transfered through a plant fractal growth system.
