Showing up in fly-over country

From a North Dakota Rep.:
Nearly one-third of the Democrats now serving in the U.S. House of Representatives come from just two states, California and New York.


  1. Gringo4:24 PM

    39/53: Cali; 17/26 NY
    Cal/NY Demos/all Demos in House of Representatives:
    56/193= 29%, which is nearly one-third.
    Accurate claim.

  2. Huh. That's a serious problem for the Democrats if they want to reach out to flyover country. Those populations are going to demand policies that are not popular in most of America -- open borders or gun control, say. Nor can the party easily betray an interest group as big as that group of High-Population Big-State Coastals.

  3. It's also a problem if a California referendum goes through with the proposed borders more or less held to. Of course infighting among the pro-breakup can blow up the whole thing.

    Eric Hines

  4. "That's a serious problem for the Democrats if they want to reach out to flyover country."

    At this point, I'm fairly sure they're not trying to. In fact, I am getting the distinct impression they don't want to reach out at all to people they consider "deplorables" at best, "Nazis" at worst. And make no mistake, that's how they're viewing flyover country in general (when they bother to think about it at all).

    No, expect the Democrats to double down on the "repeal the Electoral College" nonsense and throw a tantrum when it doesn't happen (because why would three-quarters of the States basically vote to disenfranchise themselves?), and then start doing things like splitting California into three gerrymandered States in an effory to get more Democrat Senate seats as well as Statehood for DC and Puerto Rico. Oh, and both of the latter are already in the works, BTW.

  5. Since my campaign began I've been in touch with many more neighbors on Facebook than before, and more openly discussing politics. It's amazing how often one of the few progressives in my FB circle starts a discussion with something like, "I can't imagine how anyone could hold view XYZ that you seem to hold without being a horrible stupid monster, but I'm curious about your views and hope you'll explain them to me." I'm seriously not exaggerating much here. If I or someone else responds with, "You know, that's not such a great way to start a civilized exchange," almost invariably the answer comes back, "Maybe not, but I don't have any choice because I really think you would have to be a heartless contemptible monster of an imbecile to hold your views. But let's talk."

  6. Statehood for DC will require a Constitutional amendment.

    Regarding Puerto Rico, given the Evil that is the current state of the nation, the Progressive-Democrats should be able to make a case for cutting the territory loose as an independent nation. The sooner the better.

    Eric Hines
