Politics all the way down

Is there any limit to the weaponizing of federal bureaucracies under the Obama administration?  Am I naive to believe this process reached levels not experienced under previous administrations?

Zerohedge has a horrifying summary of evidence in the FBI's possession that inexplicably had no impact on the Uranium One deal or the willingness of someone, anyone, at any time, to look honestly at what the Clinton money machine might be up to.  The story mentions reporter Michael Isakoff at one point. Isakoff is the author of the Yahoo article that, in classic circular disinformation style, was used to burnish the credibility to the Clinton/Steele dossier before the Carter Page FISA court, even though the only source of the Yahoo article was the dossier itself.
Isikoff says he was "stunned" to learn that his article was cited in the FISA warrant. We "believe" him.


  1. If the Dems thought this was necessary to defeat a no-hope candidate like Trump, what do you think they did to somebody who actually had a chance like Romney? Does anybody really think they didn't discover these capabilities until 2015?

  2. Is there any limit to the weaponizing of federal bureaucracies under the Obama administration?

    One way to limit it in future will involve breaking the power of public service unions, a net good in its own right. That would be to limit civil service positions--all of them--to 5-year terms with automatic expiration and removal from Federal employ afterward, unless each house of Congress chooses to renew each individual employment contract for an additional 3-year term.

    Alternatively, term-limit the civil service positions--every single one of them--to 10 years, just as the FBI Director is now, with removal from Federal employment on term expiration.

    Notice, too, that in Congress, the Republican Party limits its committee chairmen to a very few terms. The Progressive-Democratic Party lets its committee chairmen live in those chairs until they die or retire.

    If the Dems thought this was necessary to defeat a no-hope candidate like Trump, what do you think they did to somebody who actually had a chance like Romney?

    You mean like hiring Candy Crowley to sandbag Romney in a debate?

    Eric Hines

  3. Ymarsakar2:34 PM

    This "weaponization" isn't all that new. FDR did it and Americans loved him for it, in ignorance.

    The FBI did it to Nixon. They did it to US citizens in WW2. They did it to a lot of people. The DS is quite popular and entranced, although they are not the Surface Bureaucracy of the FBI.

    Look up COINTELPRO if you want to know how deep this rabbit hole goes.
