Good Article on the FBI

At the Hill, Sharyl Attkisson argues that it's time for some sunlight.
[T]he Department of Justice has officially warned the House Intelligence Committee not to release its memo. It's like the possible defendant in a criminal trial threatening prosecutors for having the audacity to reveal alleged evidence to the judge and jury.

This is the first time I can recall open government groups and many reporters joining in the argument to keep the information secret. They are strangely uncurious about alleged improprieties with implications of the worst kind: Stasi-like tactics used against Americans. “Don’t be irresponsible and reveal sources and methods,” they plead.

As for me? I don’t care what political stripes the alleged offenders wear or whose side they’re on.
I think they actually view a secret police targeting conservatives as highly desirable, rather than it merely being that they lack curiosity.


  1. raven3:46 PM

    If they don't want State accountability maybe they will be OK with Committees of Vigilance....

    This is starting to sound like the Sheriff Plummer gang writ large.

  2. Well of course it's highly desirable. Conservatives are evil and guilty and need to be put in jail. The failure of these agencies to do so is a sign they aren't doing their job. Liberals make occasional mistakes and need to be reminded - quietly, not in public - to ratchet it back a notch or two.

    Anyone who says differently is paranoid and merely partisan. If you doubt this, you haven't had my younger brother explain it to you enough times.

  3. Anonymous3:51 PM

    I made the decision not to vote for the Democratic nominee right about the time The Gateway Pundit readers started pointing out that the same people were showing up at Republican rallies to cause trouble. For me, rent-a-rioters are a feature of Middle Eastern tyrannies, and completely unacceptable in our country.

    Then the evidence came out that the DNC was involved , and even had a policy book outlining the tactic of causing violence and blaming it on the Republican nominee. Further, the Democratic nominee chose to run a character assassination campaign in lieu of a campaign on the issues, with the New York Times obliging providing written confirmation.

    With this much corruption, it was obvious that 1) some of these people will stop at nothing, and 2) Dirty police had to be involved, somewhere, to protect them.

    One does not have to be a Conservative to recognize the obvious signs of corruption.


  4. Ymarsakar12:13 AM

    Civil War 2. Deep State. Don't underestimate the evil of the Leftist alliance... oh wait, too late on that one.

    Repetitions of warnings and crying out in the wilderness gets old fast. It's easier for people to get hit in the head by the Leftist alliance and figure out that certain things are true... on their own. Painful and slow, but more impactful than listening to people crying out in the wilderness that people believe live in a basement.

    The truly abnormal and outliers of humanity do not open with "you have to believe me, I'm not crazy". Their response is usually "do it, if you can, because I'm right and it will be as written".
