
A young populist candidate running for "Finland First" is worrying members of the EU.
She claims the EU has turned “Finland into its province” and has railed against the country’s political elite, who she argues do not represent the working class.

Huhtasaari has also demanded more immigration controls and has campaigned in favour of a burka ban – a far cry from Finland’s traditionally subdued politics.
I had a good friend in Finland at one time. They had, and I believe still have, mandatory military service and I knew him during his stint in their army. Their proximity to Russia makes it a wise policy to have a fully-trained militia that can be readily armed as needed.


  1. Finland has highly restrictive immigration but preens itself on how well it treats people from unpopular places. Like a brochure from a 97% white college, it has photos of the darker people very prominently in front.

    America manages a diversity that Northern European countries cannot imagine and are rebelling against in much smaller numbers. Keep that in mind when they crtiticise our racism.

  2. That's a fair point. I often notice that Northern critics of Southern racism don't understand how much more diverse the South is. Vermont is 93.9% white; Maine is 94% white; Gorgia is 59.7% white, 30.5% black, 8.8% Hispanic, and the balance from all over the world.
