Yule dog

She really wasn't happy about this outfit.


  1. I love this picture.

  2. Gringo9:17 PM

    A neighbor put a wrap on her dachshund when the temperature got into the 30s, thinking that would make the dog warmer on his daily walk. The dog refused to move until she took it off. A successful sit-down strike.

    A dog whose ancestors were bred in Germany has no problem with Texas winters.

    That outfit is rather funny.Though I doubt the poor dog was having fun.

  3. She's lost about half her fur, everything on the underside, and she's so little and old that she appears to be cold all the time even in our moderate climate. She spends most of her time under a blanket and hangs out in front of the fire whenever we have one. But when I thought she might appreciate a nice, soft winter doggie sweater, I thought wrong! She'll tolerate it, but as soon as she can wriggle out of it she does. So I knew she wouldn't put up with the Santa suit for long: just a few seconds while I snapped a couple of shots. She froze in mute indignation and gave me that "I'll pee on your carpet for this" look.

  4. Ha! love that description. Maybe I'll put up the photo of my Mom's cat when my daughter dressed him up in a ridiculous elf costume.
