Pssst -- That's Illegal, Rosie

Someone should tell her.


  1. It's more fun if we don't, don't you think?

  2. Isn't this evidence of attempted bribery? I mean... surely this can be prosecuted.

  3. If you ever thought these people were under-paid, that should put an end to it.

  4. No need to prosecute. Res ipsa loquitur here, too.

    Eric Hines

  5. It is true that she could hardly be clearer about her intentions.

    I think Trump should pardon her. That would make her head explode.

  6. I was referring to the foolishness of her remarks. But I like the idea of a preemptive pardon.

    Eric Hines

  7. According to the article about this in the Federalist, one of her followers even tried warning her off saying "I know you're only joking, but you can't say this, that's bribery", and she responded, doubling down on it, "no I'm serious, $2 million cash for a no vote to any Republican"*.

    * all of the above is paraphrased, not direct quotes, full article here:

  8. Yeah, I don't take her to be joking at all. I'm also not holding my breath waiting for someone to tell her by serving her with an arrest warrant. I too favor the pre-emptive pardon, with some reference to her universally beloved status and the desire to take into account her complete innocence of social and legal norms.

  9. Oh, Mike, it's better than that. The 'one of her followers' is Louise Mensch, who is the #1 out-front leading Russia-Russia-Russia conspiracy theorist. When even she thinks you've left the realm of the sensible, you should worry.

    Rosie, though, didn't worry.

  10. "I think Trump should pardon her. That would make her head explode"

    I burst out laughing reading this- He should absolutely do it.

  11. We could start a petition ...
