More from Joe Bob Briggs

After a career in movie-making, he's learned a few things -- things he finds himself alone in saying out loud.
Sometimes, I am prone to point out, we don’t need a strong female character for this.

We might, in fact, need a weak female character for this particular story. Or, more likely, we’ll need a complex person for whom the words “strong” and “weak” are relative or irrelevant because she’s, you know, a human being.... I could go scene by scene through the complete works of Jodie Foster, Meryl Streep, and Marilyn Monroe and make notes in the margins of their scripts that would read something like this:

strong moment
weak moment
neither-strong-nor-weak moment
moderately strong
moderately weak

...on and on, ad infinitum, because all three of those women have played multiple roles with multiple points of view that can’t ever be summed up by the words “strong female character” or “weak female character.” You could do the same with male characters. Superman is not interesting unless Kryptonite exists.
As always, there's a lot more at Taki's place. Some of it relates to this new Arthurian adaptation of the story of Lancelot du Lac. (But see also here.)

UPDATE: Joe Bobb is bringing a cultural lesson north:
Growing up in Little Rock, Ark., John Bloom knew lots of people who figured they’d never leave. “At least once in your life, you need to go see New York, or Europe,” he’d tell them. “It’ll change your perspective.”...

Now he encourages friends living on the Upper West Side to visit Little Rock, or Mississippi: “Spend a weekend in Jackson. Go to a Baptist church. Your view is getting kind of narrow." ...

To that end, he’ll bring his midnight clip show, “A History of the Redneck in Film,” to the Coolidge Corner Theatre on Saturday, Nov. 4. Though he’s presented the show periodically over the past 10 years or so, this is the first time he’s brought it north of the Mason-Dixon line. It’s a public service, he says, half-joking.
Rednecks are one of the last safe groups to portray as villains for Hollywood, he argues. Most every movie needs a villain.

1 comment:

  1. Ymar Sakar10:20 AM

    You can't have someone strong, without someone weak to compare them to. Sometimes they use one person progression (Hobbit or Hero's Journey) and sometimes they use protagonist vs antagonist.

    This multicultural idea that there is no difference between the Creator/Lucifer, Light/Darkness, Yin Yang, is very marxist in materialism.

    If there is nothing bad in life, then you won't be able to appreciate the joys either. Ups and downs. No ups in rollercoasters, no downs either.

    Full Equality=Full Slavery=Zero Upgrades=Constant stability in stasis forever and ever, when humans want to die, even that is refused them.

    Hollywood appears much more human, and should have evinced some kind of christian sympathy for their evil and sins. But mostly people are just fried and adhering to Alinsky, because they believe only by learning to be like their enemies can they defeat their enemies.

    That is of course a Watcher trap.

    Hollywood always appeared strong, or invulnerable, because they were on the attack and the christians were on the defensive. But now that they can go on the attack, they only attack using propaganda or alinsky or ridicule. They do not attack with the highest skill in Sun Tzu's Art of War: Conversion without conflict.

    Instead of fighting enemies, it is easier to make them allies so that we can use them to kill the rest of the enemies. If that is what it takes to bathe the moon in blood by piling up bodies like cord wood up to the moon from Hollywood... that's ok.

    Of course, the Alt Right, just like the Left, is not monolithic. Being united only be Anti Left sentiments, makes for strange bed fellows.
