Marching through Georgia

Macon, yesterday. Notice that both sides of Interstate 75 are now northbound.

You don't have to march all the way through Georgia, though. Georgia has opened its state parks for free camping, no pet fees if you're traveling with animals. NASCAR has opened the Atlanta Speedway and, if you want to press on a little further, Talledegah for the same purpose.


  1. Greyhawk3:04 AM

    Heyo, Grim!

  2. All refugee operations are especially dear to my just now. I hope there aren't too many problem with drenching rain; the storm path is headed right through there, isn't it?

  3. Hawk! You headed our way?

  4. It appears that ATL is going to be very, very, very wet over the next 3-4 days. And a bit breezy, too.
