Before and after

You can see our lot before and after the storm here.  Could be worse, obviously; the buildings are fine.  The poor trees!  But they're already leafing out, so although many are now missing, the ones that are left won't be all "Halloweeny," as one neighbor put it to me today.

We continue to organize the relief effort. I put out a request for chainsaw aid on a Texas bankruptcy-lawyer forum earlier this week, and today got an email from a lawyer I worked with long ago, saying his son was now at university in New York and wanted to come with his fraternity to provide a chainsaw crew.  Now that overwhelms me, in part because this lawyer and I had an extremely contentious relationship.  Ditto a fellow who bought the lot across the street and got crosswise with several of our neighbors and us, who showed up with an inexhaustible crew who have cleared I don't know how many lots.  Several months ago he put his lot up for sale and apparently reconsidered building here.  Now I hope he'll change his mind.  He puts me to shame.  Many things are putting me to shame this week.  God puts the right challenges in our path; apparently He knows what He's doing.


  1. It's good to have humility, and good to have good neighbors. What a blessing in a tough time.

    That link isn't working for me in either IE or Chrome. Maybe you could post a screencap?

  2. Works for me in Firefox and in IE v 11.0.9600.

    If you're talking about the right-hand image coming up "nothing found," there's a tiny square gun sight in the middle of the left map. You have to move the map under the gun sight (the sight does not move) to a point that has After imagery; then the After shows in the right hand window.

    Eric Hines

  3. Yeah, in that sense, it works fine in chrome, and in IE (V11.0.9600...) I got what you described- but I thought it was supposed to go to a specific location- Tex's house. It's not doing that, but yes, it's a great way to analyze the damage in general.

  4. On my screen it showed my property, though the house was sort of off in one corner. I'll try a screenshot

  5. Eric Blair5:06 PM

    Shame about the trees.

  6. Wow, you weren't at all exaggerating about the trees. Holy cow.

    No question though that standing seam metal roofs are totally worth the extra cost if you're in a hurricane zone.

  7. The insurance companies think so. They give a heavy discount for them.

    The leaves are beginning to come back out on the trees that weren't frankly uprooted. It's hard to see them like this--all "halloweeny," as a neighbor said--but they'll look a lot better in a month or two, I think.

  8. Just in time for Halloween!

    (sorry, had to)

  9. The trees already are remarkably greener. It's such a relief.
