Fantasies About Vikings

UPDATE: Lars Walker pointed out yesterday that a noted scholar on women in the Viking age made the same points raised here last week (her post and mine were apparently more or less contemporaneous). They're obvious points, but it's good to see them not being ignored by serious thinkers in the field.


  1. That's pretty good. Can't disagree.

  2. I've been pretty impressed by this young man. He seems like he'll go far in his chosen field.

  3. Eric Blair9:07 PM

    I've noted his books. On the list to get.

  4. Ymar Sakar8:49 PM

    They're probably related to the Tribe of Dan.

    As a result, there's no need to have fantasies when the theology is clearly documented by the Hebrews and the genteels. Ragnarok is pretty much the same, along with Yggdrasil, as the post Adamic view or Post Nimrod view.

  5. Agreed, Grim. I was just watching his video on Viking symbols, and he had a nice addendum about not being afraid to use/like the Viking symbols, and how they were not particularly Nazi (though some make the association) and they needed to be taken back, not surrendered.

    I bet it'd be interesting to sit down for a meal and some conversation with him.
