Republican Season

It should come as no surprise to learn that it's not rabbit or duck. The groundwork has been laid for some time. It's not a long hop from "Donald Trump Season" to "Republican Season."

Fortunately, at least for the moment, the opposition can barely shoot. That won't stay true. It's easy to learn to shoot.

What's hard is to learn self-control. It's the poisonous language, which follows from the poisonous politics, which follows from the absolute refusal to stop trying to control each other with the Federal government. We still could all get along, more or less. We don't have to do this.


  1. "What's hard is to learn self-control. It's the poisonous language, which follows from the poisonous politics, which follows from the absolute refusal to stop trying to control each other with the Federal government. We still could all get along, more or less. We don't have to do this." This is exactly right. Whether we WILL do what we COULD do is, unfortunately, an open question.

  2. We still could all get along, more or less.

    How do we get along with our enemy who's actively trying to kill us?

    We don't have to do this.

    We don't have to die for our enemies' convenience, either.

    Eric Hines

  3. This post turned out to be eerily prescient, didn't it?

  4. No, it was posted after the morning shooting. Once in Iraq I had a LTC who called me "Oracle" because I could accurately tell him where the war would go over the next couple of weeks; but I have no actual capacity to see the future, a fact for which I occasionally thank God. :)

    The elephant's "such a pinch" line, if anyone is curious, appears to me to track to a character from Abbot & Costello's show.
