Jeff Sessions is Perfectly Clear

"Appalling and detestable lie" is Southern for "the only thing keeping me from killing you in a duel for your lies is the pesky law against it."

Truthfully, though, nobody of serious mind ever believed that Jeff Sessions -- Jeff Sessions! -- sold out America to the Russkies. Whatever legitimate questions there are, that was never one of them.


  1. Eric Blair9:07 PM

    I dunno, that Senator Harris from CA seems, as I've heard it said, "Thick as two short planks".

  2. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Any mind that could convert milling around in the crowd after a speech into a "meeting" is not going to be capable of formulating legitimate questions.

    And as for Senator Harris from CA, that one wanted to know if Sessions had asked for a copy of the DOJ policy on confidentiality of Presidential conversations!


  3. I dunno, that Senator Harris from CA seems, as I've heard it said, "Thick as two short planks".

    She was trying to be the prosecutor she once was, and she got her lunch sack handed to her after it was eaten by the prosecutor that still is.

    Any mind that could convert milling around in the crowd after a speech into a "meeting"....

    Their minds can form that conversion out of plain dishonesty. Which prevents them from forming legitimate questions via a different path.

    The growing hysteria of the Progressive-Democrats on that committee was palpable as that rude SoB Sessions kept pushing back on their dishonesty instead of meekly rolling over.

    Eric Hines

  4. I don't have anything to say about the gentlewoman from California. I don't speak their language well enough to translate it.
