The DNC Leak

It's massive and brutal. Here are some highlights.

The corruption revealed should be a scandal. Will it?

UPDATE: They actually used the phrase "pay for play" in their own emails. They weren't even slightly kidding themselves about what they were doing.

UPDATE: It's just a constant stream of lies, bribery, and bad news about the state of our government.


  1. I'm getting an Error 403--Forbidden on the Forney link.

    The two examples are pretty damning, though. Or would be if the NLMSM weren't so insistent on spiking the thing.

    Eric Hines

  2. Hm, it still works for me.

    Try his video summary on YouTube:

  3. And now it works for me. Stray electrons. Or Progressive electrons abusing a poor, dumb Texas gun clinger and Bible toter.

    Eric Hines

  4. "Buying" ambassador posts is not exactly new. Happens with all Administrations, (R) and (D). Since the Ambassador usually doesn't do squat except eat, drink, and make nice, nobody really cares--except the worker-bees in the embassies who actually do the work.

  5. Even if we accept the sale of ambassadorships as "ordinary, acceptable" corruption, that doesn't explain some of the other things on that spreadsheet -- "Under-secretary of Commerce," "CFO California," "Deputy Attorney General," etc.

    At some point, you're talking about real power in return for cash-up-front.

  6. Also, in terms of the Deputy Attorney General, you're putting loyalists in position to block prosecutions of your team. That's surely an issue worth discussing with regard to the Obama administration's evasion of the rule of law, with HRC and Lois Lerner being chief examples.

  7. No question that they are corrupt in very meaningful ways, too.

    Why do you think my counsel to all is "BUY MORE AMMO"??

    At some point in time, it will be used.

  8. Ymar Sakar7:08 PM

    UPDATE: They actually used the phrase "pay for play" in their own emails. They weren't even slightly kidding themselves about what they were doing.

    As I've noted before, the Leftist alliance is not merely a bunch of ignorant prog academics that people here routinely acquaint themselves with online.

    The Leftist alliance is a much bigger thing than they can imagine. And yes, to make it work, there are some people who are honest and who do have to do the work of organizing humans.

    So all the zombies people talk to and think said zombies are indicative of the leadership and priest class of the Left, are having a misguided conclusion. The Leftist alliance is evil because they have been taught what righteousness is, and yet they have chosen differently. That choice condemns them. Even the cannon fodder of the Left has made choices on this matter.

    Overestimating the enemy can be problematic. But the problem of people who are so fat on peace and complacency in the US, is that they think they don't have to personally watch out and kill evil. Somebody else, maybe the military, is always going to do that job for them.

    The truth is a little bit different.
