Fair Warning: Frenetic, Stream of Semi-Consciousness Posting Ahead

The fall semester has counter-attacked. Summer vacation has been forced to fall back and relinquish the field. While I regroup to counter-counter-attack yet again, my posting will probably be frenetic and possibly even more stream-of-consciousness than usual. Maybe even stream-of-near-unconsciousness.

At some point I'll probably post something downright dumb and I won't realize it until you tell me. Be assured: It will have sounded pretty good on not-enough sleep and maybe a relaxing adult beverage.

Meanwhile, here's another round of Corb Lund. Let me recommend a double Tullamore Dew Single Malt 10-year, neat, for accompaniment.


  1. Be assured: It will have sounded pretty good on not-enough sleep and maybe a relaxing adult beverage.

    A fair percentage of the posts in the Hall were written on just those terms.

  2. I have always thought of the project as a kind of 'conversations at the pub, recorded for posterity.'

  3. Good to know.
