Here's A Concept

80 % Arms sells unfinished upper and lower receivers that are perfectly legal to buy without any kind of license. They also sell jigs for finishing them. Looks like for less than $300 you could have both the jig and an unfinished lower, which you could finish at your convenience.

You could then purchase or build any kind of upper for it, and have a working rifle that's completely legal and yet also completely off the books.


  1. Eric Blair9:00 PM

    Way ahead of you on this.

  2. Until they start requiring the parts to be serial numbered.

    Eric Hines

  3. Ymar Sakar9:41 PM

    This is why doctors and nurses ask kids if they have guns in their home... the SS and Nazis also had Youth squads which did something similar. Report on their parents.

    If you can't get good intel by trusting in the perps with the guns... well, there's always a different way to skin that cat. The way they got to the kids and killed them in Waco 1, involved guns but also accusations of child abuse. If not their way, then some other way.

  4. They don't have enough people to watch the people on the watch lists, Ymar. And then they have to watch their people more intensely yet -- excepting Hillary Clinton, the Obama administration has prosecuted more leakers and security violaters than anyone. The people you employ as counterintelligence agents can't be your intelligence agents.

    They're trying to rule by fear and example-making. Even with technology, they haven't got a prayer of actually keeping an eye on all of us.

  5. Ymar Sakar4:45 PM

    They don't have enough people to watch the people on the watch lists,

    Which is why Hitler had the Hitler Youth. MOre manpower. Not necessarily better than civil servants, they merely add it on top. If a Caliph ordered a Sunni Muslim, from a Sunni Caliph, to kill the infidel or give protection to jihadists killing for Allah, would they obey?

    The same moral question will be posed to Leftists and Americans, when they are given orders by their King in the USA, to do X, Y and Z. Many will obey, and discard their fellow "countrymen" as pawns and sacrifices. They need an organization. BLivesM and the Leftist alliance's factions, are sufficient to start. Just look at colleges. How many of those "men and women" do you think will fight to the death to protect one of you, Grim?

    Excluding the College Republicans and Christians, I would say the answer is close to 1%, or 1 vs 0.

    In Georgia, people report criminal behavior all the time. It doesn't require more than that, Obedience to the Law, or else.

    The people you employ as counterintelligence agents can't be your intelligence agents.

    Husseins Ayers Chicago machine is not the CIA or the bureaucracy in DC, however. Which is why his Regime is more "loyal" to Hussein than Bush's admin was loyal to Bush. Not that the State Department is loyal to anyone, America included.

    So somebody has to watch the watchers, yes, but that's why the Left has 1000 factions. They can watch each other. It's actually a very effective way online casinos use for payouts of various gambling schemes. The people who pay the money out, are paid bonuses if they catch some other person who has access to the payouts, who is skimming or defrauding. The greediest people at the bottom, are hired to watch the people on the bottom and the top. And the people on the top review, hire, interview, and reject/fire those at the bottom.

    It's a system of almost divine efficiency, for humans at least. Akuma or Kami, hard to say.

    They're trying to rule by fear and example-making. Even with technology, they haven't got a prayer of actually keeping an eye on all of us.

    So how did Islam do it? Islam has done it in the past, without technology. Politics, kingdoms, empires, and earthly power comes and goes. Evil and its opposite, is forever. It provides a different scale of analysis for my problem solving, so to speak.

  6. Maimonides, who lived under the Islam you're talking about, tells you how they did it -- by the fear of the exemplary punishment. It's that story that he used as a proof for the existence of God: how do you know there's a king? Because you see strong men obeying the laws against robbery even when there are no agents of the state around.

    As for the rest of it, I don't know who your friends are, or what your family is like, but I'm not too worried about mine. Just like with anything else, if you surround yourself with good people and treat them with honor and respect, they'll be there when you need them.

    Do you have friends like that? They'll stand you in better stead than all the martial arts, guns, or ammo in the world if things did get bad. It would be worth investing some time and energy in building some human relationships.
