West Virginia Is Not Having Your Looting

Sounds right to me.


  1. My kind of Sheriff.

    Eric Hines

  2. Good for them!

  3. Eric Blair9:53 PM

    Maybe we'll see some Go-pro action.

  4. Ymar Sakar10:43 AM

    People from Europe or spoke English not in the Anglosphere, online talked about Ferguson with me and some other people.

    I always told them that the only reason they see Ferguson riots is because if they tried to riot outside the cities, we would have execution scaffolds every other street and the media would never have any "riot" to report on. A little bit of direct American culture injected into people who only watch CNN or the AP in Europe. It was, perhaps, a mite shocking and consistent with their fears of our "gun culture". But it won't be guns we use necessarily.

  5. When you think of it, the police are there to protect the suspects. What we would do if there were none there would be far worse.

  6. Gringo3:28 PM

    When you think of it, the police are there to protect the suspects. What we would do if there were none there would be far worse.

    The Socialist paradise of Venezuela, which has one of the highest crime rates in the world, has had some lynching in the last year. Some of those lynched were innocent bystanders.

  7. It's like the old definition of "asylum."
