Trump Swinging for the Fences

Now if he only had the money to put out fifty ads telling these fifty stories. Or even the best dozen or so.


  1. I've mostly resigned myself to voting for the man, but donating money!?

  2. I wasn't thinking you should donate money. I was merely remarking on his failure to obtain any donations on the scale that would make this stuff actionable.

  3. I could donate to an anti-Hilary PAC, I guess.

  4. Ymar Sakar2:51 PM

    Trump wasn't supposed to need money, since he's the rich guy that buys up governments, rather than the other way. But sometimes the propaganda isn't entirely right...

    Soros still has more pull.

  5. ColoComment3:32 PM

    I figure that when Trump said he was self-funding, he never expected to be the last man standing. So, I'll cut him some slack for taking campaign donations (if he can find donors!)

    Plus, if any of the other 16 Republican candidates were in Trump's present position, he (or she) would get RNC help -- but Trump? ...the RNC undermines, criticizes, and rebukes.

    I'd like to see the Hills v Trump polls if the RNC decided to, y'know, support its candidate.

  6. Ymar Sakar1:48 AM

    Trump didn't expect to be the last person standing because Trump had a deal with Clinton, and even though there was a chance Trump could win, he wasn't expecting it. Which is why he trashed the Republican E donors so badly, but he isn't going to be welcomed into their arms the way Cruz was. Cruz has a different culture, Tea Party, which rubs the establishment Republicans the wrong way. But Trump's problem is that he burned too many bridges.

    Trump would need a miracle to stand alone against DC. America wouldn't need anybody else at that point. But I suspect anyone standing alone against DC will get a bullet in their brain, same as other families have when they reached DC's thugocracy.
