Proof that Cultural Difference is Real

The Kerala, India government has issued a new rule: bikers without helmets are to be refused gasoline by filling station managers.

I imagine that works out better in India than it would in some other places.


  1. Also, don't much like making gas station attendants pseudo-police. It's not their job to enforce the law. Anyway, they'll just get gas by walking in with a can, and refilling the bike away from the station. Problem solved.

  2. You do know that you can come to NH for no-helmet experience, right?

  3. I had some in Florida. I came as far north as Massachusetts on my bike, though, not so long ago.

  4. I have to admit that the town of Stockbridge, MA, was quite different than I'd imagined it from hearing "Alice's Restaurant." It's one of the richest places I've ever been.
