If They Make That Connection, It's Only Because They Are Right

Hillary Clinton looks across the pond, and must loathe what she sees. Average English people have acted out, voting for Brexit like naughty children pulling a prank on the school principal. Despite apocalyptic warnings from business and political elites, they decided to leave the EU.

UK’s leaders were punished for neglecting middle class wages and hopes and instead pursuing grander ambitions – tighter bonds with Europe. Hillary must wonder, will we be next? Will Americans blame stagnant incomes on President Obama who was so busy "fundamentally transforming the United States of America” that he forgot about the people who elected him?


  1. Eric Blair8:24 PM

    Various people (including Farage, perhaps glibly) have blamed Obama for the Brexit because he went over there and basically made threats.

    Can't wait to see what happens if he decides to campaign for Clinton.

  2. Can't wait to see what happens if he [Obama] decides to campaign for Clinton.

    He already has been. And, he's three times publicly instructed his AG, and through her his FBI Director, to take no substantive action against Clinton. Interview: she's done nothing wrong. Interview: she's done nothing wrong. Endorsement: she ought to be President.

    Pursuant to those instructions, Lynch has met with Bill Clinton aboard a private airplane in Arizona. Bubba is savvy enough to understand Obama's instructions; he wasn't there to make an offer. He was there to listen to Lynch's request for her quid pro quo.

    Eric Hines

  3. It does seem as if top officials at Justice have made a substantial investment in Clinton's future.

    Still, miracles sometimes happen. Like Gandalf at the Black Gate, we advance firmly in the face of doom, and hope for eucastrophe.

  4. Ymar Sakar10:26 AM

    Part of why Islam desecrates Christian holy sites and destroys altars, is because it prevents the holy ghost from reaching the Christian people. The abortion blood magic does something similar, except it spans a continent.

    Whether it provokes divine wrath or just makes it easier for evil to control the area, thus provoking divine punishment, is hard to pinpoint.

    In order for miracles to happen, people must be open to the belief or the repentance of evil. So it is like a quantum effect, where observer bias matters. Without spiritual conduits in churches and cathedrals, conduits empowered by the prayer of thousands if not millions of the faithful, it's nearly impossible to conduct divine miracles past the human layer of corruption on a continent.

    It's also why the Christian god is not the Islamic god, because desecrating the altars of your own god is not a good idea, even if the believers you fight are heretics or apostates.

  5. Have you heard the reports that one of the weapons in the Paris attacks came from Phoenix? Through one of the fast and furious dealers?

    Judicial watch has the info.

  6. I have heard those reports. If it had been the Bush administration, they'd be on the front page of every newspaper in the country.

  7. Given what Mr. Hines is saying above, shouldn't that be reason enough for the Congress to put a special prosecutor on the case of Clinton's emails? You'd think so, but the feckless GOP will likely have none of it.

  8. Ymar Sakar1:57 PM

    Have you heard the reports that one of the weapons in the Paris attacks came from Phoenix? Through one of the fast and furious dealers?

    It's more likely they came from Turkey, Syria, and Qatar, via the US arms shipment to ISIL and rebel "freedom fighters". But who knows, ATF may be involved in that too. I did say Democrats in California like selling weapons overseas to terrorists and black markets... it's why if they ban guns here, their profits go up. They can confiscate the guns, then resell them. You know, like all those cheap police auctions with drug dealer houses and cars...
