The Slandering of Sanders Supporters Continues

Look, there's plenty to complain about that is valid.  A lot of these guys (and gals) are Marxists.  That's ample ground right there for conflict.  But the Democratic Party apparently doesn't criticize Marxism anymore, so instead we keep hearing that they are violent and sexist and, now, racist.

I am unpersuaded.  But let's review the evidence.
The Washington Post noted that at one point #MississippiBerning became a hashtag used by Sanders supporters on social media—a witty and clever turn of phrase unless of course you are a black American who hears the words “Mississippi burning” and immediately thinks of church bombings and lynchings....

Black writers and activists who have had the temerity to challenge Sanders’s record have been targeted by his supporters in ways that go against not just civility but even decency.
Follow that link and you will read an article by a writer who asserts that they have received unpleasant language in emails. "We could print the emails. But those of you who sent them know who you are and the horrendous things said."

The rest of the article is about the "MississippiBerning" hashtag. Put in context, it's clearly in very poor taste. But -- and I'm a generation older than most of these Bernie supporters -- I didn't know about the 1988 movie either. I'd only heard the phrase, and wouldn't have known the film had a racial context. I suppose one could say that, given the history, one should always assume that violence in Mississippi has some sort of racial component. But that assumption strikes me as just as much a prejudice as any other.

Let's face it: 1988 was before many of these Bernie supporters were even born. They're a bunch of kids. Marxist kids, but at their age that's the fault of their teachers.

The playbook has to play, I suppose. Opponents of whomever the leading Democrat is have to be motivated by racism, sexism, and hatred for the poor. Well, you can't stick Bernie with that last one, so you just have to double down on the first two.

By the way, as to the alleged violence and sexism that was raised as a charge in Nevada, a photograph of Sen Barbara Boxer 'fleeing in fear of the crowd.'  I'll put it below the fold so that no one is shocked by what they see.

I hope you're able to withstand seeing a woman in such fear of a mob.


  1. Eric Blair7:52 PM

    Like I said, anything that would actually make creatures like Boxer afraid is probably a good thing at this point.

  2. Anything is too broad a category, but I'll go with the existential claim: there are at least some things that would terrify creatures like Boxer that would be positively good things.

  3. Anonymous9:08 AM

    I'd chalk it up to youth and foolishness rather than racism. And a lack of forethought to do a quick [searchengine] check to see if anything comes up with that title or as a reference.

    And agreed, that some positive good things would quite likely scare Boxer and Co.


  4. When you're only tool is a hammer ...

  5. That's "Senator" creature Boxer. She worked so hard.....😎

  6. Don't forget to call her ma'am. She hates that.

  7. Eric Blair5:53 PM

    Oh Jeebus that's her. I reiterate; ANYTHING.
