NYT: That White Working Class Needs More Welfare

Paul Krugman disagrees with Williamson about the remedy.


  1. There's the Progressive pitch for their votes.

  2. If Krugman disagrees, that's enough for me!

  3. Heh. There's a chance they might both be wrong.

  4. That is the cargo cult answer. If you GIVE people "free sh!t" they will be Middle Class. AmIrite? Did I win?

  5. Sadly, you can't give them an economy, either.

  6. Welfare only encourages dependence which, in turn, discourages self-reliance and independence. The more you provide the more worthless people dependent on it become. Just look at what it's done to Scotland, a socialist welfare wasteland. A country that once produced some of the greatest warriors, thinkers, and artists now boasts the highest rates of obesity and heart disease in Europe. They lost their traditional regiments because Scotts wouldn't enlist in them anymore.

    The last thing the "white working class" needs is more handouts and government encouraged dependency.

  7. Ymar Sakar2:14 AM

    The Democrats have a better system of slavery these days than they ever had in 1830-1860. I applaud them for their human livestock farming improvements, even as I side against their war against humanity.
