How On Earth Does This Happen?

Headline: "CNN Poll: Most Voters Hate Both the Likely Nominees."


  1. Yeah, it does seem that this should be statistically unlikely, doesn't it?

  2. Sampling different distributions: party members and public. And what the pollsters think are likely voters may not be quite the same the same as the group who really vote in the general.

    We already knew that party members didn't reflect the public very well ("shift to the center after nomination"), but this feels almost as though the parties are re-partitioning.

    But what do I know? I'm up past my eyebrows in people who feel the bern(*), but I haven't run into anybody who admits to supporting Trump.

    (*)Though some believe it is time for a woman.

  3. I see Trump signs in yards here in rural Georgia. I haven't had a political conversation with any Trump supporter who is willing to admit it, but I get the sense that a lot of people are closet supporters.

  4. Anonymous8:24 AM

    I have this feeling that a lot of Trump support might be not so much they like Trump, but they dislike the people that dislike Trump. Sort of a "I am voting for Trump because screw you."

  5. Anonymous3:28 PM

    RE: "I have this feeling that a lot of Trump support might be not so much they like Trump, but they dislike the people that dislike Trump. Sort of a "I am voting for Trump because screw you.""

    I will admit to feeling that exactly. More and more. I know its a horrible motivation, but it is a strong one. With every BLM thug that tries to disrupt his campaign events, it grows dramatically.

    I find Trump offensive professionally because I believe the president's main job is focused outwards towards the rest of the world - foreign policy and military affairs. Trump has no experience in, and no displayed knowledge of, that crucial aspect.

    However, I'm moving towards him more and more. If the local thugs and scum hate him this much, he may be just what we need for domestic issues. If you believe in the personal relationship model of international affairs, Trump may not be so bad after all if he can approach foreign policy as a one-on-one business negotiation.

    As Colorado's Republican caucus is a pathetic joke, I had no say in who the Republican candidate will be in the general. I won't support a democrat since Webb dropped out, but my possible dilemma now is third party Trump. Unless Reagan's ghost materializes at the convention, I doubt the RNC will impress me with their alternative to Trump. So I seem to be sliding into the position of a reluctant Trump "supporter". I find that odd, and very sad.


  6. Ymar Sakar2:18 AM

    If the local thugs and scum hate him this much, he may be just what we need for domestic issues.

    Pay attention to how many of the local thugs are on Trump's side, however.

    That would be the former and current Democrats, although not Leftists.

    The Democrats used to have a hard core nationalist demographic, the poor whites on welfare, the blacks on welfare, or the KKK. All of them are being pushed out and replaced in recent times. Now they are flocking to Trump.

    Replacing Hussein the Leftist with some other Democrat traitor, isn't going to fix things. Of course, elections couldn't fix this Roman Republic problem to begin with.

    The Left also hated Bush II. Doesn't mean Bush II was going to eliminate the Left inside America.
