
Carly Fiorina rings some bells on why Mrs. Clinton cannot be President.


  1. It also was pretty slick when, later in the debate, she called out the moderators on a question they'd asked Santorum about an anti-abortion/pro-life rally she'd attended but he hadn't, saying she thought it was "shameful" that they would "impugn the pro-life credentials of Rick Santorum."

    I really don't think that's what the moderators intended, but that's the way the question came off.

    And it was a better show of candidates' mutual respect than the faux respect Sanders has been showing Clinton, which strikes me more as a matter of ducking a couple of important issues.

    Eric Hines

  2. Hillary could strangle a puppy on live TV and her supporters would instantly rationalise that the puppy deserved it.

  3. I hadn't noticed live, but did you see the grind on Santorum and Huckabee as she was talking? Clearly some real respect there, which I guess relates to Eric's comment.

  4. Ug, grins, not grind... Darn autocorrect

  5. I can usually spot people's typos, but this one did leave me scratching my head!
