Winter Storm State of Emergency

I assume Grim's Hall readers are quite adequate to the task, but for what it's worth, Governor Deal has just declared a state of emergency.


  1. Eric Blair8:42 PM

    A friend of mine plans on going pheasant hunting in New Jersey on Saturday.

  2. I imagine he'll have a good time. Georgia isn't equipped for winter, but this is mostly going to be important in the North Georgia mountains, which are better prepared than most. A winter storm hitting Atlanta is a disaster.

  3. Out my way it's predicted to be chilly (not even "cold") and rainy. Best of luck to you out there, Grim. If things get bad, come out to Augusta and visit for a few days.

  4. Georgia isn't equipped for winter....

    Iowa is, but I recall a...winter...when we got 6-8" of snow in Des Moines that April. A couple of days after the city had put away and mothballed for the summer, all of its snow plows and related equipment. It was a while before anyone could even get to the garages, much less recover the equipment.

    Now I'm seeing reports that DC just got an inch (count 'em) of snow, and the traffic is paralyzed.

    Eric Hines
