The Purge Continues

Oxford Students Union votes to remove statue of Cecil Rhodes in order to shame him and itself over the colonial past.


  1. Eric Blair8:41 PM

    Yeah, They also voted not to fight for "King and country" in 1936.

    Nothing new here.

  2. Anonymous10:39 AM

    ....Because it would be too hard to do some actual research, and maybe add a plaque to the statue, explaining the upside and downside to his decisions.

    I could do with a little more humility from the SJWs. They like to pretend that they are unassailably moral.


  3. Oxford Students Union votes to remove statue of Cecil Rhodes in order to shame him and itself over the colonial past.

    Not sure exactly how much you can shame a dead man. Shame themselves? Yeah, pretty sure they're doing a fine job of that.

  4. Gringo6:35 PM

    I hope that there is an afterlife so that these SJWs, who are so sure that their generation is the epitome of virtue, may be able to find out that several generations hence they can be judged harshly.

    I was an adolescent when the Civil Rights Bill was passed. I was for it. It was the right thing to do, but it wasn't a controversial stance to take in NE. My grandmother in the Southwest was against the Civil Rights Bill. We did have a discussion or two on the issue- I wasn't the one who brought it up.

    I had an abiding love and respect for my grandmother, and got to know her better, warts and all, than most grandchildren know their grandparents, as she lived to 95. While my grandmother could be right on so many things- she was the best judge of human character I have known- she was wrong on Civil Rights. That taught me that I could well be wrong, even if I thought I was right.

  5. Ymar Sakar11:12 AM

    Junior Hitler Youth branch for the Unions? Perhaps.

  6. Ymar Sakar11:15 AM

    Gringo, Robert E Lee was right on the issue of slavery, yet decided to fight for a war began by the slave barons, which coincidentally, provided immunity to military service to large slave owning land owners. Kind of the reverse of feudalism.

    Humans tend to get dragged around by their time and their society, into all kinds of mistakes.
