
Headline: "Muslims have more DNC delegates than Montana, Utah and Oklahoma put together."

I assume that they actually are delegates from states, but still. Muslims are less than 2% of the population, but they've apparently become deeply involved in the DNC.


  1. Ymar Sakar11:53 AM

    Obviously just like homosexuals are 25% of the population now, right.

  2. Anonymous3:31 PM

    I wonder if this has more to do with oil money than a large amount political acumen in the average Muslim citizen.

  3. Not sure. I'd love to see a similar figure for Jews, who are a similar size as a proportion of the US population. Arguably the DNC could prove to be the most successful Muslim/Jewish cooperative effort since Medieval Spain. That would actually be a pretty positive comment on it.

  4. Many may also be Nation of Islam, which is a different, heretical offshoot.

  5. Ymar Sakar11:25 AM

    A positive comment for those that were blind to the Muslim-Jewish alliance for the trafficking of European slaves, at least.

  6. It's true that there were a lot of slaves trafficked out of Islamic Spain. On the other hand, it's true that there were a lot of slaves trafficked in the ancient world. The only civilizations to ever attempt to fully suppress the slave trade were High Medieval Christian Europe, and 19th Century Christian Anglo-American civilization.

  7. The Islamic slave raiders made it all the way to Iceland, in 1627. Took about 400 slaves and killed a bunch of villagers.

  8. Ymar Sakar9:52 AM

    On the other hand, it's true that there were a lot of slaves trafficked in the ancient world.

    Islamic ancient world, sure. But Islam was the one that came up with Slavery 2.0 to begin with, the Greek and Roman idea of slavery was more like serfdom or Slavery 1.0

    One could get out of that, but a caste system like India's untouchables under the Hindus, wasn't so easy to get out of.

    The Sephardic Jews, perhaps due to their ME origins, had the most negative reputation. The Spanish Inquisition did not merely expel all Jewry from Spain because of fears of Islam or a desire to take over the property of said rich Jews. Every coastal city, province, and town suffered from Islamic slave raids, from the beginning of Islam to the modern day fracture and lack of the Caliphate. But that merely means the "survivors" learned how to make money off people even weaker than them, notably the merchant republican and the Genoese patrician families. Thus the Jewish bankers aided Islamic civilization, but not much more than the traitors of the West itself did in collaborating with Islam.

    Europeans want desperately to forget the shame and trauma of Islamic slave raids. That is why they do everything they can to commit civilization wide suicide and total war. It's a kind of genetic, epigenetic, Stockholme Syndrome. If the Jews are despised in history, it is merely because they paid the Jizya to the Muslims and obeyed the commands of their Muslim overlords. Europeans, unable to wipe out Islam, took out their angst on the weaker factions. Thus does humanity proceed in its endless path.
