Finding a Balance

So, on the one side is the guy who just won't say the words "radical Islam." On the other, the guy who wants to refuse entry to the United States to all Muslims, period -- even US citizens.

In a way replacing the one guy with the other would represent a kind of balance, but is it possible that we could find another way?


  1. Ymar Sakar11:54 AM

    CW2 makes all ways meaningless, for all they end at the same dead end.

  2. an organisation branded extremist by anti-race-hatred campaigners at the Southern Poverty Law Center.

    Well, it takes one to know one...

  3. Yeah, that's Uncle Jimbo's organization they mean. He's not that extremist. But the SPLC has been pushing the limits here. They tried to draw the line such that Ben Carson was an 'extremist,' and that blew up in their faces. So now it's Jimbo.
