Magical Thinking Is Good For You!

A satire, sort of.
I’m not just talking about vaccines, but we can start there. A lot of people have judged us harshly in recent days for not vaccinating our nine young children. That’s fine. I myself was held down and vaccinated when I was young. I understand that vaccines bolster vulnerable immune systems by stimulating your body’s natural defenses... And if you want to live and die by the wholly effective, risk-free, and affordable breakthroughs that Western medicine has produced, that’s fine. That’s your right.

But don’t expect me to come along on that joyride of lies.


Whenever a friend gets cancer, I make sure to tell her about the power of vitamin C and a can-do attitude. I’ve lost so many friends to the acidic nightmare of chemotherapy. They’re still alive; we just don’t talk anymore. Thanks a lot, Big Pharma.

Don’t get me started about sugar. Don’t get me started about gluten. Don’t get me started about mercury or fluoride. Because I will literally never stop talking about it.


  1. Ymar Sakar1:25 PM

    Global warming, it's the social and scientific consensus for everyone, on everything.

  2. Anonymous6:57 PM

    What I find truly amusing is how much of that New Age wu-wu stuff circles around to .... prayer. They will use rocks, cards, essential oils, candles and made-up creatures, not to mention really bad analogies to quantum physics. They will use obscuring words like vibration and mantra and meditation. They torture their words completely out of shape in an effort to describe that great Something we do not understand: anything will do, as long as you don't write --gasp!-- God.

    It's almost like they are afraid to admit they believe in God.


  3. Ymar Sakar2:20 PM

    They will use rocks, cards, essential oils, candles and made-up creatures, not to mention really bad analogies to quantum physics. They will use obscuring words like vibration and mantra and meditation.

    Many rebels and slave rebellions, once they got into power, enacted a mirror copy of their former master's totalitarian tyranny. Because they knew nothing else, because they thought that was how it was done, because their was a void inside them which could not be filled by rebellion.

    The others want power, the Throne of God, like the atheist elites of academia. If the Throne of God is empty, there's no reason why they can't take it for themselves, being a human.

  4. Oh, I wouldn't dream of getting this person started on any of those topics.
