Health insurance reform

Just about everything in this article seems like a good idea.


  1. Except for the subsidies and the use of the tax code for social engineering. Each of those is anathema to free markets and to individual liberty and responsibility.

    It does represent, overall, a step in the right direction, though.

    Eric Hines

  2. I'm not sure about the 'tax preference for employer-paid premiums,' either. It might be more helpful if we decoupled employment from the market for insurance for a lot of reasons: one of them is that employers could go back to offering full-time jobs without it placing them under a massive new burden versus part-time employees.

  3. employers could go back to offering full-time jobs without it placing them under a massive new burden versus part-time employees.

    Simply repealing Obamacare would take care of that. Complete decoupling, as you're suggesting--which would include eliminating the BO (that's Before Obamacare, although the thing stinks, too) favorable tax treatment for employer-provided insurance--also would let employers go back to offering, or not, insurance programs as a competitive employee-seeking perk rather than an employee "right."

    Eric Hines

  4. Sounds like you're suggesting letting the market work instead of trying to mess with it. I've heard that approach criticized by Republicans as 'not having a plan to help people with health care.' Don't you think that it is important to show people that you care via a government program to pay for their costs?

  5. Sounds like you're suggesting letting the market work instead of trying to mess with it.

    Yew betcha.

    Don't you think that it is important to show people that you care via a government program to pay for their costs?

    A straight answer for a tongue in cheek question: No, I don't. I think it important to show not only that I care, but that I have a deep respect for people, by not working to make them dependent on government--which is to say personally dependent on the man in government that controls the handout that is such a government program. Rather, I'll work to pay people my respect by letting them make their own decisions and assuming they're responsible enough to accept, as well as profit from, the outcomes of those choices.

    Eric Hines

  6. nice post and blog dear
    visit back dear
