Giving value for the wage

A developing story that should be fun to watch:  Remember Joe Wilson, the shady "yellowcake" ambassador at the center of Scooter Libby's conviction for misleading federal investigators?  He has sued a company called Symbion for nonpayment of $20K/month in consulting fees.  Symbion, which builds projects of some sort in Africa, is quarreling with Mr. Wilson over the services he was supposed to provide, including perhaps special access starting in 2009 to then Secretary of State Clinton.  Symbion has countersued, alleging that Wilson took credit for things he didn't really cause, such as Clinton's visit to a Symbion project.  Clinton's email, heavily redacted to obscure "confidential" issues (though of course she never used her private email for state business, let alone classified business), suggests that Wilson was accustomed to approach her via Sid Blumenthal, and that she was at least in some degree open to his advances.

The dispute already has turned up gossipy bits about Wilson's use or abuse of company perks, in true "master of the universe" style, and his subcontracting of work to another shady ambassador, since indicted on federal charges.  But what will be really fascinating about this suit is that, in order to get his pay, Wilson will have to prove that he delivered on things like access to Clinton.  If I were he, I'd hire a food taster.


  1. Anonymous11:13 AM

    I don't know why they are bothering to redact Hillary's emails. The only people not privy to them are the American people. That is why they were supposed to be on a government server.


  2. Joe Wilson's wife, Valerie Plame, has turned up again recently too. She was put in charge of a group designed with pushing support of Obama's disastrous Iran deal via left-wing advocacy organizations.

  3. It looks to me like Joe Wilson is owed slightly less than $300,000 by Symbion. I imagine the Clinton Foundation could make that up to him out of petty cash.

  4. Ymar Sakar10:54 AM

    If there were really were a shady right wing nationalistic fascist Bush II conspiracy around, those two would have long been dropped into the Pacific by now and disappeared.
