News Flash

Texas, Georgia are not the most conservative states in the Union -- in fact, they barely make the top twenty.

Wow. I mean, Mississippi, Alabama, sure, but I've got to get out to Wyoming.


  1. I wonder if liberal and conservative mean the same things in the different states. And if certain things that outsiders might see as one side or another are seen by both factions within the state as absolutely normal: corn price supports, for example.

  2. Good point. I don't know what's going on, but I wouldn't have guessed Wyoming was a hotbed of conservatism as I understand it.

  3. Wasn't it Wyoming that elected Darth Cheney, Eater of Infants and Helpless Oppressed Minorities so many times? Hard to see a state like Maryland or Massachusetts doing that :p

  4. raven1:20 PM

    Cities mostly go left, rural dwellers tend conservative- Seattle/Tacoma/Olympia control WA state, Portland/Salem/Eugene control Oregon, etc. it stands to reason, the cities attract people who like lots of government and the rural folks like to be left alone .
    In both the examples above, the rural folks positively loathe the capital power centers, as their concerns are consistently over-ridden. i suspect the same thing applies in Colorado, and bunches of other places-even NY state- grab the power center by handing out gobs of goodies paid for by the rest of the state, drive out the opposition with oppressive taxes and regulation, and there is now an overwhelming block of votes.
    There is a name for this, it was used by some mayor of Boston, I don't recall his name.

  5. Mississippi is the cultural center of the universe so I am not surprised.

  6. What Raven said- What's the biggest city in Wyoming, Cheyenne? Around 60,000 population. Around here, that's a small town, not a "city".

  7. DL Sly12:59 PM

    Wait....Wyoming falls out of the top twenty, Montana sits at nubmer 7 in the top ten and you have to get out to...... Wyoming?!?
    Well, alrighty then.
