The week in pictures

From Powerline:


  1. DL Sly12:55 PM

    I grabbed that one and sent it to a friend, too!
    And, of course, the baseball one.

  2. Gringo1:13 PM

    This particular restaurant has a longstanding reputation for witty roadside- in this case streetside- advertising: El Arroyo signs.
    Perhaps the most prominent witty roadside signs of years past came from Burma Shave. I am of an age to remember seeing them on family trips, and to also note their disappearance. I suspect it was the Interstate Highway System which featured in the demise of the Burma Shave signs. Billboards were banned on much of the Interstates, and the increased speeds of the Interstates also made series of signs less practical. You used to see Burma Shave signs all over the old US highway system: Route 66, etc.

  3. I like some of these signs. "I'm an acquired taste. If you don't like me, acquire some taste."
