Boys really are different.

Science says so.


  1. Inigo Montoya was right!

  2. Gringo2:01 PM

    This only goes to show that science is sexist. What about girls who avenge the murder of their fathers, such as Cow Patti ?

    Following is an excerpt of the lyrics.

    From the goodlands came the cowgirl,
    Patti was her name.
    She was hot on the trail of that killer
    On a moped she called Flame,
    'Cause the killer had killed her daddy
    Just for spittin' in the road,
    And you only had to kill her daddy once
    To get that gal p.o.'d.

    Yippee-i-ay, Cow Patti.
    Yippee-i-ay, Cow Patti.
    She rode into town
    To find the man
    That killed her daddy.
    Yippee-i-ay, Cow Patti.

  3. And Whatsis from True Grit.

  4. Ah, yes, Cat Ballou. My father used to sing a song to the family dog that he had composed to the theme song of that movie, although he had remembered the tune somewhat badly. I wish I could remember it; I heard him sing it a thousand times.

  5. "It's hangin' day
    In Wolf City, Wyomin', 1894;
    They're gonna drop Cat Ballou
    Through that gallows floor. . . ."
