
The Anchoress writes.
What Rotherham puts me in mind of is the behavior of the conqueror. One of the terrible after-effects of invasion and war has been the subjugation of the women, the rape of wives and daughters, the seed of the conqueror, inserted into a culture and a society — yet another tactic meant to subdue and eradicate.

And yet, there has been no old-fashioned “invasion” and no “war” in the southern part of Yorkshire. This conquering was invited, and it was invited throughout Europe, where Rotherham will be discovered to have been replicated. Why wouldn’t it be? Who in Europe would dare to prosecute?

Rotherham will not be the last “conquest”. There are radical Islamists — not “observant” mind you, just radical — living in the West and determinedly unassimilated to it, on every continent.

Earlier today I read about three churches in Columbus graffiti’d with the word “Infidels”.
The hardest part of this story, for me, was reading about the girl who saved up the clothes she'd been raped in for a very long time at the back of her closet. She finally got the courage to tell her family, who took the clothes and turned them into the police. The police took away the bags, and then came back and said they'd lost them. All of them.

They sent a check to pay for replacements.

UPDATE: Steyn:
So the individuals who presided over this regime destroyed the lives of 1,400 people in their care, and have paid no price for it. Indeed, some have been promoted, and put in charge of even more children.
Have you no rope in England?


  1. Eric Blair10:20 PM

    The 'authorities' are either bribed or in on it.

  2. Or they're cowards.

    Eric Hines

  3. Or simply indoctrinated.

    If you're English or American (and white), at least, one of the central tenets of modern Leftism is that your culture is inferior - you are guilty - you have no right to judge any other...and if anyone else does do evil, it's all your fault - it wouldn't have happened if you hadn't oppressed them. The only nobility lies in victimhood and you're not a victim. Nowadays even the fairy tales and statesmen must agree on that.

    A paralyzing poison, this ideology.

  4. I've been thinking about that, Joseph, the last few weeks. Now I never spent any time with comic books as a kid, but a lot do. And apparently there's a huge push to make the comic books comply with this ideology, too.

    Having won all the battles in the world we know, they are pushing to win the worlds of which we merely dream. You won't be allowed to dream dreams that conflict with the ideology -- not, at least, to publish such dreams.

  5. Based on what my comix-reading buddies showed me back in the 20th century, that's been going on a long time now.

    I used to find it jarring that Beowulf had been (obviously) "edited" to give it a Christian gloss...but at least that "official ideology" had some staying power, and didn't drain the tale of its strength.

  6. Ymar Sakar7:10 AM

    Americans don't have any rope for Hollywood either, same scenario.

    Nor for the IRS or police unions. Nor for the various other union strong arms.

    Not for the Detroit, the Chicago, the Los Angeles, or the New Orleans Democrat fiefdoms.

    And the Democrats invite in Mexicans for the same reason Britain invited in Africans and Muslims. To serve as a sufficient labor force to offset enemy votes. The Left had already worked on invading from within, this is merely the execution of a very old End Game.

  7. Ymar Sakar7:13 AM

    You won't be allowed to dream dreams that conflict with the ideology -- not, at least, to publish such dreams.

    They'll have to learn Japanese before they infiltrate that sphere.

    Which is sort of the point. Leftist propaganda weapons only work in one language, the language of the weapon user. Outside the language, it falls mostly apart because propaganda once translated, can no longer affect the blood-brain barrier.

  8. I used to find it jarring that Beowulf had been (obviously) "edited" to give it a Christian gloss...but at least that "official ideology" had some staying power, and didn't drain the tale of its strength.

    Those edits are a little jarring, at least the most obvious ones. On the other hand, I originally found the similar passages in The Ballad of the White Horse similarly jarring! It took several readings before I realized that they weren't sermonizing additions to a great poem, but really at the core of the poem's true meaning.

    So maybe to some degree it's Christian piety that is jarring -- even to us. We live in a society that has become quite removed from it.

  9. Ymar Sakar7:46 AM

    It's more like they are speaking in a different language. The words back then activated different brain centers and emotions than they do now. The neural associations cannot be replicated by mere translations into modern English or prose.

  10. Ymar Sakar7:54 AM

    and if anyone else does do evil, it's all your fault - it wouldn't have happened if you hadn't oppressed them.

    It wouldn't be bad in and of itself to believe in atoning for personal guilt.

    However the Left added in scapegoats where all the blame and evil of humanity will rest in. Then when they burn the goat and sacrifice it, the sins are removed. Carbon taxes, Green credits, getting in Republicans' faces, those are all guilt management solutions.

    But it's not atoning for guilt, it's removing the guilt by placing it into a vessel.

    The Islamic Jihad uses Jews, Americans, and their women as scapegoats. The Left uses white capitalism as scapegoats for black inferiority. And black slavery as the scapegoat for the Democrat crimes against humanity. It's quite an achievement.

    Sooner or later they'll even top Islam's honor killings, which are scapegoat techniques for removing guilt.

  11. Ymar Sakar8:30 AM

    Remember when I mentioned Child Protection Services and Texas?

    Look it up, same story as this one, which people tried to ignore.

    It's going to be real funny when Americans try to ignore these events, and then find that they are unable to.

  12. Or simply indoctrinated.

    Indoctrination is a fact of the human condition. It's no barrier, nor is it an excuse. Despite indoctrination, we got Aristotle, Socrates, Cicero, Locke, Rousseau, Mill, our own Founders, et al.

    Indoctrination makes things hard. Hard means possible.

    Cowards, I say.

    Eric Hines

  13. I had pretty much managed to shove this story out of my consciousness until I read what you wrote about the young girl, her clothes, and the police. Now I've spent the whole day thinking about nothing else and am angry, grief-stricken, and most of all frustrated. There seems nothing to be done about this, no way to bring the perpetrators to justice, certainly no way to bring those who covered it up for so long to justice.

    What should be happening, of course, is a huge upsurge of murderous rage from feminists. However, I checked a few feminist websites - NOW, Feministing and Jezebel. The first has nothing on this story. Feministing has up a little blurb as part of their quick hits of news. Jezebel has a post up but reading through the comments I'm left with the sense that after 1400 girls were viciously raped, the most important thing to the commenters is showing they disapprove of racism. If this report is to be believed, this indifference is endemic to the feminist blogosphere.

    Today, after 40 years, I may finally be at the point where I have to admit that I can no longer call myself a feminist. If feminism does not mean white-hot rage at Rotherham then it no longer means much of anything.

  14. I am sorry, Elise. Murderous rage is, of course, exactly what is called for by any just heart. If the courts and governing systems cannot bring justice here, then it should be brought by the people by all necessary means.

  15. I went to the other day, too, and for the first time was really tempted to give up on the word "feminist." I'm not sure what I'll call my views now. I no longer seem to comprehend anything about what men or women typically think of women.

  16. Well, please keep posting your "atypical" views because there's a lot more sense in them than the other kind!

  17. Ymar Sakar7:05 AM

    The US feminists are too busy keeping the American women in sexual slavery to be angry that some Islamos were keeping some slaves. The Left has Democrat founding members in it. And Democrats loved slavery. Still do, in big cities.

    Anyone that expects the Left to get angry at what their allies are doing, should have a re interpretation of what the Left is.

  18. Ymar Sakar12:54 PM

    On a prior topic, Grim, you talked about forgiving enemies before getting rid of them.

    I've known about these things that the Left-Islamic alliance was doing some time ago. Other people might find it new and surprising though. With the emphasis on "surprising".

    So where's the call for forgiveness now?

    Which one would be the better candidate for forgiveness, ISIl's brethren in Britain or the Leftist alliance in Britain that supported their efforts?

  19. I have no problem with providing priests at the hangings at those complicit in the sale and rape of young Englishwomen. Or imams, as appropriate.

  20. Ymar Sakar5:16 PM

    That'd be something worth seeing on television, for once.

    Although given the strategic and logistical situation for the West, civil war is still more likely to happen sooner and still inevitable.

    That's not the worst assessment. The worst scenario as I judged was for the West to fight a civil war, amongst various factions, and then Islamic Jihad taking over nukes and killing every faction involved after it weakened itself. Until the civil war determines who the rightful successor of Western civilization is, Islamic Jihad cannot be defeated entirely. Unfortunately they know this, so they will act, probably, before or during that conflict. Westerners cannot fight an external enemy, while at the same time they are defending their family from internal traitors and death squads.

    Very difficult.

  21. T99,

    I don't understand where you're going (or coming from) here:

    I no longer seem to comprehend anything about what men or women typically think of women.

    Any interest in elaborating?

  22. Not directed at you, certainly! You always make sense to me. No, I was discouraged about the crazier wing of feminista thought. And as for men, well, you know, men.

  23. And as for men, well, you know, men.

    Fair point.

  24. If it makes you feel any better, a lot of these feminists are young. Young men I encounter today don't believe a word of what they are writing about themselves or the world -- they just believe that they believe it. Five minutes' talking with them and you discover that they are just like men always were, they just don't know to express it. The things they've been taught to believe are not in order with who they really are, but they can't be who they are without falling afoul of one of the many traps set for them in which they will be haters, victimizers, oppressors, or what have you.

    They're afraid and terrified of this, which is sad in a way because they don't need to be. I go on being just the kind of man that always was, and I find that the feminists get along with me just fine. If we fight about things, which we do all the time, it's respectful enough.

    The current generation of feminist have set just as many traps for each other, it's been my observation. Good luck being accepted as an authentic woman just for being yourself! You'd better toe the line, and check your privilege.

  25. I never thought your comment was directed at me - I just thought it was an interesting way to put something.

    As for this:

    And as for men, well, you know, men.

    I asked my husband, "So what do men think of women?" He said he didn't know what other men think about women. Apparently they don't discuss that. Which I thought was pretty funny considering how much time women seem to spend discussing men. :+)

  26. Young men I encounter today don't believe a word of what they are writing about themselves or the world -- they just believe that they believe it.

    I think this is a excellent point, Grim, and applies to young feminists as well. I also think it ties in with T99's comment about what women typically think about women. I might go a little further - or in a somewhat different direction - and say that (at least for young feminists and, I suspect, for some older ones as well) it's what they believe they should believe.

  27. Ymar Sakar10:28 AM

    They're afraid and terrified of this, which is sad in a way because they don't need to be. I go on being just the kind of man that always was, and I find that the feminists get along with me just fine. If we fight about things, which we do all the time, it's respectful enough.

    Do you have armies of feminists surrounding your case and locking you out of public buildings though?
