Nothing I'd Hoped To See

The Archbishop of Canterbury has compared the genocide against Christians in ISIS-controlled territory to the Holocaust. Normally the way Holocaust comparisons go is that they are ridiculously overblown, and thus cause tremendous offense. This time, there really is a genocidal slaughter aimed at wiping out a religious minority, whose homes are being marked with a special sign in a kind of reverse-Passover to justify their plunder.

It is, in other words, a perfectly appropriate comparison for describing the conditions of our own day and time.


  1. A problem with debasing the language in this way...if every failure to give you want you want is tyranny, and every political opponent is Schicklgruber...what do you say when the real thing comes along?

    (I'm afraid the answer is - use the same words, and imagine a moral equivalency. It makes it easy to lose perspective.)

  2. Ymar Sakar5:13 PM

    Wasn't the people killing Jews the one making use of the Holocaust for political PR reasons?

    First you kill a group, then you kill the group's reputation, then you use the fact that their reputation has been killed to help you kill another group.

    That's how it works. Some people can make even war pay for itself. It'll never end, until all the targets run out of lives.
